Monday, 23 October 2017

Talking Circles

Pam has returned to do Talking Circles with our class. It is always so wonderful to have Pam share her culture and perspective. The students enjoyed having her come in so much last year, we had to have her back! Today, Pam explained the significance of the grandfather (rock). She explained that everyone's voice matters and that we all deserve to be heard. The Talking Circle builds community and gives the students a chance to share what is important to them. Pam will be continuing her visits into next week.

Guests in the Classroom

We have been fortunate to have 2 different guests join us in the classroom this week and last. Our first guest was Leanne. She is an artist who specializes in Story Telling. The students enjoyed Leanne's stories of her travels. As a class, we "wrote" a story together. The students acted it out and all contributed to the story process. Leanne will be visiting with us one last time on Tuesday. It has been a pleasure having her expertise in the classroom.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Discovery in the Rainforest

We are taking an imaginary trip to the rainforest.
First, we packed our bags. We chose eight items that we would need for our trip. This is what some of the students brought;

Sara- food, a camping kit, lots of water to stay hydrated, insurance in case I get hurt, a backpack, clothes to wear, a first aid kit, and a flashlight to see at night

Uno- a flashlight so I can see in the dark, a machete so I can cut down leaves, a lighter to keep me warm, a water bottle to keep me hydrated, a camera so I can take pictures, my dog so I can protect myself, clothes so I can stay warm, and food so I do not starve to death

Eli- water bottle to stay hydrated, first aid kit to be in tip top shape, lunch to stay alive, protective gear for protection from things that are poisonous, a machine gun to kill animals, Batman to stay protected, GPS to not get lost, my iPad to play video games

Kelaiah- a water bottle to stay hydrated, food and fruit to not be hungry, clothes to wear, a tent for shelter, a sleeping bag to sleep in, a flashlight to see in the dark, a knife to stay safe, and a first aid kit in case I get hurt

Kane- a camera so I can take some pics, sunscreen so I don't get a sunburn, a tent to sleep in, water so I can live, food so I can eat, a pencil so I can write down what I learn, paper so I can draw animals, a dog to be my friend

Adam- a sword, 10 friends, bananas, cookies, a pet mouse

Jaxon- a water bottle to stay hydrated, a rope so I can climb the trees, a mini gun so I can fight for myself, invisibility jet so I can bring a mini gun, a knife so I can skin animals, the government because they will protect me, a first aid kit so I can save myself, clothes so I won't be naked

Jacob- EMS for safety, a yoyo for fun, a water bottle to stay hydrated, food to not starve, a mini gun to stay alive, a knife for survival